IPL Photofacial

in Fort Worth, TX

Are you looking for solutions to undo the visible signs of aging and sun damage? Pure Body Benefits is pleased to offer IPL photofacials, harnessing the power of intense pulsed light to transform your complexion. Whether you're looking to treat sunspots, rosacea, port wine stains, spider veins, or acne scars, we've got you covered. Discover a new way to rejuvenate your skin from the inside out.

  • Personalized treatment protocols
  • Safe for use on most skin types
  • Stimulate collagen and elastin production
  • Reverse sun damage and premature aging
  • Reduce redness and vascular lesions
  • Improve the appearance of discoloration
  • Even out skin tone and texture
  • Smooth away scar tissues

Introducing the Quanta Light EVO Laser System

Our Quanta Light EVO laser provides a customizable solution for addressing various skin concerns. Intense pulsed light targets the skin cells at multiple layers, stimulating collagen and elastin production and healing and rejuvenating your skin from within.

An IPL photofacial can address a range of concerns, including the following:

  • Pigmented Lesions: IPL photofacials are the gold standard for addressing sunspots, age spots, freckles, and skin discoloration. Light energy targets the melanin in the pigmented lesions, breaking it down and revealing a more even skin tone and a clearer complexion.
  • Vascular Lesions: IPL photofacials are highly effective at treating spider veins, port wine stains, rosacea, and redness. Intense pulsed light targets and damages the unwanted vessels that the body naturally absorbs, restoring your skin's clarity.
  • Acne Scars: Our Quanta Light EVO IPL wavelength offers an effective solution for acne and other types of scars. IPL therapy stimulates collagen and elastin production, softening the appearance of scar tissues and delivering a more even skin texture.
  • Aging and Sun Damage: IPL therapy offers a highly effective and safe solution for a range of skin concerns. It helps trigger collagen and elastin production, smoothing away fine lines and wrinkles, improving skin tone and texture, lifting and tightening sagging skin, and revitalizing aging or sun-damaged skin.

Our Quanta Light EVO IPL handpiece transmits a broad spectrum of light deep into the skin to target specific concerns. The minimally invasive treatment is comfortable due to the advanced cooling technology, with some describing a sensation of a slight prickling or mild warmth during treatment. The entire treatment takes about 30 minutes to complete and requires no downtime, meaning you can return to your daily activities without interruption.

Your skin may seem sunburned for a few hours and have mild redness or bruising for a few days. Pigmented lesions may darken over the week following treatment, and vascular lesions may begin to darken before gradually fading away.

Most individuals report a youthful glow as soon as two days after treatment, with improvements to skin elasticity and pigmentation appearing in 2-4 weeks. You should see results unfold over the following six months as the collagen and elastin production continue.

The number of treatments will depend on your unique needs and desired outcomes. Most individuals require 3-5 treatments scheduled 3-5 weeks apart for the best results. Yearly maintenance sessions will ensure you continue enjoying a smooth, clear, and radiant complexion.

IPL Photofacial

Near Me in Fort Worth, TX

Contact Pure Body Benefits to learn more about restoring your skin’s youthful glow. Whether you're looking to reverse sun damage or skin aging, remove spider veins, or improve your skin tone and texture, an IPL photofacial may be the perfect solution for you. We invite you to call (682) 250-2266 to schedule your appointment or book one online today